How to add legal representation in Infino Legal?

In Infino Legal, there is a possibility to add representatives in the proceeding. You can do this by adding the representative of the entity or creditor in the specific proceeding. 

Add legal representation to the proceeding 

To add legal representation to the proceeding: 

  1. From the main menu, go to the Contacts tab, then Add new contact. 
  2. Choose the contact type – Legal representation. 
  3. Select the represented entity, the representative, and specify the proceeding where the legal representation appears. 
  4. Click “Save”. 

After adding the representative, information about the legal representation will be available on the card of the corresponding proceeding. Similarly, information about the creditor’s representative will be found on the specific debt card. 

Generate documents addressed to the creditor’s or debtor’s representative 

To generate a template addressed to the representative: 

  1. Go to the Templates tab on the selected proceeding. 
  2. Find the appropriate template and click the “Fill in” icon in the action column. 
  3. In the next window, choose the recipient, e.g., “John Brown repr. by Legal Office in bankruptcy of John Brown”. 
  4. After selecting the recipient, click the “Generate document” button. 
  5. Finally, download the completed document. 



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